Launched in March 1998, the Middle Powers
Initiative (MPI) is a carefully focused and coordinated campaign by a network of
international citizen organizations to encourage the leaders of the Nuclear Weapon States
(NWS) to break free from their Cold War mindset, and move rapidly to a nuclear weapon-free
world -- which is now widely considered feasible and is overwhelmingly desired. The
MPI will specifically press the NWS to start immediate multilateral negotiations leading
to a Nuclear Weapons Convention, similar to the
enforceable global treaty prohibiting and eliminating chemical weapons. Leading co-sponsors of the MPI campaign include: three Nobel Peace Prize-winners, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), the International Peace Bureau (IPB) and the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILF); and also the International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms, the State of the World Forum, Parliamentarians for Global Action, and the International Network of Engineers and Scientists. An International Steering Committee, chaired by Senator Douglas Roche, O.C., Former Canadian Ambassador for Disarmament, manages the campaign, and an MPI Operations Centre is run by a full-time Coordinator in the Cambridge, Massachusetts office of IPPNW. Middle Powers Initiative panel at the Hague Peace Conference, May 12, 1999 MPI also maintains a U.N. Coordinator in offices of LCNP in New York. The Coordinator's role is to liase among the UN secretariat, delegations and NGOs to build support for immediate, practical steps for nuclear disarmament.
this section:
A Global Law to Ban Nuclear Weapons, Middle Powers Initiative Briefing Paper, June 2011 The Humanitarian Imperative for Nuclear Disarmament, John Burroughs, Middle Powers Initiative Briefing Paper, September 2010 A Global Undertaking: Realizing the Disarmament Promise of the NPT, John Burroughs, Middle Powers Initiative Briefing Paper, January 2010 Atlanta Consultation III: Fulfilling the NPT, sponsored by Middle Powers Initiative, January 20-22, 2010 Making Good on the Promises: From the Security Council Summit to the 2010 NPT Review, Middle Powers Initiative Briefing Paper, October 2009 A Global Public Good of the Highest Order, Middle Powers Initiative Briefing Paper for the Berlin Article VI Forum, January 2009 Fulfilling the NPT Bargain: Next Steps, Middle Powers Initiative, John Burroughs, Article VI Forum, Ottawa, September 28-29, 2006 Legal Requirements to Achieve Non-Proliferation and Disarmament, John Burroughs, Article VI Forum, The Hague, March 2, 2006 Atlanta Consultation II: On the Future of the NPT, Final Report, Middle Powers Initiative, January 26-28, 2005, Carter Center Briefing Paper: "Building a Nuclear Weapons Free Future", John Burroughs for Atlanta Consultation II, January, 2005 Middle Powers Initiative Briefing Paper: Preserving the NPT in the New Strategic Context, September 2002 The Atlanta Consultation: Building Bridges to Save the NPT New Agenda Coalition Declaration United Nations Resolution on the New Agenda United Nations Debate on the New Agenda Resolution Links: Publications: |